Monday, September 17, 2012

I always wanted to be able to say that I lived in the mountains once...

You know that feeling you get when you are on the right path? Well in the world of Ying and Yang there is an equally intense feeling of being on the wrong path.

I am not one to continue down the wrong path for very long. Think about it...being in a forest KNOWING you are heading in the wrong direction and actually continuing is pure insanity.

It's not about knowing where you ought to go, it may even just be another wrong path, but as you start eliminating wrong paths you are closer to finding the right path.

And so it happened exactly like this when I was 27. Interestingly enough I had done not one stitch of travelling before then. For the convicted believer that I am I started quite late. I had never left SA, in fact I had never even left Cape Town since arriving in the early 80's.

This whole revolution was triggered by eating too much chocolate cake. Not the regular variety but rather the green tinged variety. For hours every sense inside of me was heightened especially the one that told me I was in the wrong place doing the wrong thing and that this path was just heading me in the wrong direction. I have to admit I was probably high for a few days but I thoroughly researched alternative 'paths'.

Don't ask me how I happened to find out about Hogsback in a spontaneous binge of Internet surfing, but it happened. I convinced my boyfriend it was just an 8 hour drive and within 2 weeks we embarked on the 12 hour road trip arriving on a steep gravel road in the pitch dark.

We woke up on the edge of a cliff.

And fell in love.

Four weeks later I moved in officially and so began the Itchy Feet phase of my life. As beautiful as Hogsback was and is I fell head over heels for Alice and Lushington as well.

I got married in King Williams Town (where I had attended school 20 years before), spent my honeymoon in the Katberg mountains and bought my first house. It was here that Chloƫ learnt to speak English and Xhosa (of which she remembers nothing) and where we all saw snow for the first time.

This is where my travels started and the more I have seen the more I have been driven to discover for myself. Chloƫ once told me that if she were to be reincarnated she would want to be the child to a traveller again.

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